Event: Date: Venue: Organizer: Web presentation:
World Kidney Day March 13, 2014 Global Campaign www.worldkidneyday.org
34th International Symposium on intensive
Care and emergency Medicine18 - 21 March, 2014 Bruxelles
ISCEM www.intensive.org
Coordination in kidney transplants April 04, 2014 Belgrade Serbian Transplantation Association www.utos.rs
Symposium and Assembly of Serbian Society of Nephrology
Nephrology in Serbia in the nineties and todayApril 11, 2014 Crowne Plaza
BelgradeSerbian Society of Nephrology PROGRAM
Baxter PD Academy 09 - 10 May, 2014 Silver Lake
ERA-EDTA Congress May 31 - June 03, 2014 Amsterdam ERA-EDTA www.era-edta.org
World Transplant Congress 26 - 31 July, 2014 San Francisco
The 21th Budapest Nephrology School 26 - 31 August, 2014 Budapest www.bns-hungary.hu
15th Congress of the International Society
for Peritoneal Dialysis07 - 10 September, 2014 Madrid
Annual Meeting of the European Society
of Paediatric Nephrology18 - 20 September 2014 Porto www.espn2014.org
3rd Congress of the Serbian Society of Nephrology 23 - 26 October, 2014 Crowne Plaza
BelgradeSerbian Society of Nephrology PROGRAM
Preparing patients for
cadaveric kidney transplantNovember 2014 Belgrade Serbian Transplantation Association www.utos.rs
ASN - Kidney Week 11 - 16 November, 2014 Philadelphia
46th Course on Advances in Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation 05 - 08 December, 2014 Milan
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